বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

রেজোলিউশন/কার্যনির্বাহী পরিষদ গঠন ও নির্বাচন, ডিসেম্বর ২০১৫

উইকিমিডিয়া বাংলাদেশ থেকে

নিচের রেজোলিউশনটি উইকিমিডিয়া বাংলাদেশে নির্বাহী পরিষদনির্বাহী পরিষদ কর্তৃক ২৪ ডিসেম্বর ২০১৫ তারিখে পাস হয়েছে।
নির্বাহী পরিষদের সদস্যদের মধ্যে জন পক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেছেন ও কেউ বিপক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেননি। কেউ ভোট প্রদানে বিরত ছিলেন না ও জন সদস্য ভোট প্রদান করেননি।
এই ভোট গ্রহণের সময় কারও ভোট প্রদানের অধিকার খর্ব করা হয়নি।

  • পক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেছেন: তানভির রহমান, শাবাব মুস্তাফা, তানভির মোর্শেদ, নাসির খান সৈকত, আলী হায়দার খান, মঈনুল ইসলাম, ও রাগিব হাসান
  • ভোট প্রদান করেননি: মুনির হাসান ও তারিফ এজাজ


1. The Operations Committee (“OC”) of the Wikimedia Bangladesh (“Society”) is being created to help and advise the Executive Committee (“EC”) to operate organizational activities of the Society.
2. The OC is being created with the following subcommittees (“Subcommittee”).
a. Finance and Grants
b. Media and Communications
c. Planning and Outreach
d. Publications and Technical
e. Special Focus
f. Regional Operations
3. The scopes of the Subcommittee are the following:
a. Finance and Grants shall focus on financing projects, events, and individual grants for volunteers to attend projects and events;
b. Media and Communications shall focus on communicating and liaising with media personnel and the operations of the social media of the Society;
c. Planning and Outreach shall focus on organizational planning and organizing outdoor events and workshops of the Society;
d. Publications and Technical shall focus on designing and publishing of project and event materials, and helping with technical management of the Society;
e. Special Focus shall focus on specific interest of the Society;
f. Regional Operations shall focus on activities of a specific geographical area;
4. The EC reserves the right to create, change, merge, and obsolete Subcommittee and its scope when necessary.
5. The EC reserves the right to appoint the lead of a Subcommittee when necessary;
6. Any regular member (“Regular Member”) of the Society may be appointed as a member of the OC if:
a. He or she submits an application to the EC to be a member of the OC; or
b. An EC member has proposed a Regular Member to the EC and the respective Regular Member has his or her consent to be a member of the OC; and
c. The EC has passed a resolution confirming his or her membership;
7. The total number of member of the OC is not restricted.
8. The members of the OC may be appointed by the EC at any time.
9. The EC shall appoint an OC member to one or two Subcommittee(s) according to his or her interest.
10. One OC member is not allowed to serve in more than two Subcommittees at a time.
11. The regular designation of an OC member shall be ‘Community Director’ followed by the name of the Subcommittee he or she has been appointed for.
12. Member of the Regional Operations Subcommittee shall have their region name at the end of their regular designation.
13. Member of the Special Focus Subcommittee shall have their focus name at the end of their regular designation.
14. A member of the OC is required to:
a. Collaborate constantly with the community and the members of the Society;
b. Communicate and collaborate between OC and EC members in need;
c. Plan and mange operations of his or her Subcommittee;
d. Specify the need of his or her Subcommittee;
e. Report to EC and the community about the work of his or her Subcommittee;
15. A member of the OC has rights to:
a. Exercise all rights of a Regular Member of the Society;
b. Have an official email address of the Society;
c. Advise the EC on policy matters of the Society;
d. Access non-public information of the Society when necessary;
16. Each OC member will have a term of one year which can be extended by the EC before it expires.
17. The extension of OC membership requires:
a. A written request from the OC member to the EC for an extension;
b. An extension period which does not exceed one year at a time;
c. A resolution of the EC confirming the extension;
18. The membership of an OC member may be terminated by the EC at any time if:
a. He or she fails to fulfill OC membership requirements; or
b. He or she abuses the rights of an OC member; or
c. Any of the clauses of the Article III – Cancellation of Membership of the Articles of the Associations of the Society applies on him or her, in which case an OC member may not be able to retain his or her regular membership of the Society as well.

It is hereby resolved that the following members are appointed as members of the Operations Committee for a term ending on 31 December 2016 or until their resignation, whichever comes first.

(Order) Name, Designation
1. Ali Haidar Khan, Community Director, Finance and Grants
2. Mayeenul Islam, Community Director, Publications and Technical
3. Moheen Reeyad, Community Director, Planning and Outreach
4. Nahid Sultan, Community Director, Planning and Outreach
5. Nasir Khan, Community Director, Publications and Technical
6. Nurunnaby Chowdhury, Community Director, Media and Communications
7. R K Hannan, Community Director, Planning and Outreach
8. Rafaell Russell, Community Director, Planning and Outreach
9. Tanweer Morshed, Community Director, Planing and Outreach
