রেজোলিউশন/আঞ্চলিক সম্প্রদায় গঠন সংক্রান্ত পূর্ববর্তী রেজোলিউশনের সংশোধনী, আগস্ট ২০২৪

উইকিমিডিয়া বাংলাদেশ থেকে
পরিভ্রমণে চলুন অনুসন্ধানে চলুন

নিচের রেজোলিউশনটি উইকিমিডিয়া বাংলাদেশে নির্বাহী পরিষদ কর্তৃক ২০ আগস্ট ২০২৪ তারিখে পাস হয়েছে।
নির্বাহী পরিষদের সদস্যদের মধ্যে জন পক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেছেন ও কেউ বিপক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেননি। ভোট প্রদানে বিরত ছিলেন জন।
এই ভোট গ্রহণের সময় কারও ভোট প্রদানের অধিকার খর্ব করা হয়নি।

  • পক্ষে ভোট প্রদান করেছেন: দোলন প্রভা, মহীন রীয়াদ, মাসুম আল হাসান, অংকন ঘোষ দস্তিদার, আর কে হান্নান ও শাবাব মুস্তাফা
  • ভোট প্রদানে বিরত ছিলেন: আলী হায়দার খান, তানভির রহমান ও তানবিন ইসলাম সিয়াম


1. The Regional Community (“RC”) is being created to improve regional engagement of Wikimedia Bangladesh (“WMBD”) in different regions of Bangladesh;
2. RC will focus on activities of WMBD’s Executive Committee (“EC”) designated regional communities;
3. Specific geographical regions will be decided and named by the EC to create an RC to function properly;
4. The naming format of a regional community shall be ‘Wikimedia Community’ ('উইকিমিডিয়া সম্প্রদায়' in Bangla) starting with the region’s name;
5. Only a Regular Member of WMBD who is an active Wikimedian can lead a RC;
6. RC is required to:
a. Have at least three (3) and/or at most five (5) active Wikimedians who are residents of the region where the designated regional community functions;
b. Plan, budget, manage, and report local programs and events in their region to the EC;
c. Actively promote and participate in WMBD’s nation-wide programs and events;
d. Advise EC about the needs and challenges of their community;
e. publish a quarterly activity report at bd.wikimedia.org website;
f. Maintain constant collaboration with EC through their EC liaison(s);
g. Maintain good working relationships with other WMBD recognized entities throughout the country;
h. Collaborate with local Wikimedians to help them improve their performance and solve their problems;
7. RC shall have the following structure:
a. A RC shall have one specific Regular Member of WMBD to lead the Community;
b. All members of a RC shall be a member of a regional collaborative mailing list;
c. The lead of a RC shall have the designation ‘Chief Coordinator’ (প্রধান সমন্বয়ক in Bangla) followed by the name of their regional community;
d. Other members of a RC except the lead of a RC shall have the designation ‘Deputy coordinator’ (সহ-সমন্বয়ক in Bangla) followed by the name of their regional community;
e. ‍A member of the regional community outside a RC shall have the designation ‘Member’ (সদস্য in Bangla) followed by the name of their regional community;
f. The lead of a RC is responsible to:
i. Manage and report overall operations of their RC at WMBD's documentation website;
ii. Recommend EC in necessary changes of the RC’s structure and membership;
iii. Maintain close collaboration with the EC liaison;
8. An existing RC shall have a term length of one (1) year which will end on 31 December of each year regardless the time of the year a RC has been recognized;
9. An existing RC will renew automatically for another term if they fulfill criteria (6) of this resolution and/or the operational guiding principal explained in this document.
10. EC shall discontinue or dissolve a Regional Community if:
a. EC finds the RC incompatible to the Goals and Objectives of WMBD;
b. RC fails to maintain necessary activities to function the Community properly;
c. There are not enough active RC members to keep the RC properly functioned;
d. It engages with unethical, unlawful and/or questionable activities;
11. EC may remove a RC member from an existing RC if:
a. They stay out of the region of the RC for more than six (6) months;
b. They become inactive in the RC activities;
c. They are charged with unlawful and/or questionable activities;
13. EC shall recognize the formation of a new RC with written resolution;
14. EC holds the rights to discontinue and/or cancel a RC with written resolution;

This resolution is effective immediately when passed.